Autumn again.

Autumn again! Harvest time! … of what was sown and what was not sown. How is it that the little critters that spend the summer scampering around gathering seeds and burying them are able to re-structure our gardens and lawns? So the lovely lilies and crocuses are not limited to the spaces that we chose for them. And then some seeds are quite capable of sowing themselves. The locust tree has offspring coming up in all kinds of strange places.

We tend to want to be in charge – of ourselves and our surroundings. It is the power of life itself that reminds us that we can only change and control some things. Much of our world is very much out of our control. “God grant me the wisdom…” to accept and delight in my own power and in the wonders that life brings.

Last week we saw a waterspout form over Lake Erie and move into shore. We were awestruck from our safe distance. Perhaps those who were closer had a different reaction. With the rains and cold autumn announced its presence. Today is warm again, but the seasonal progression has begun.

No, the trees are not brilliant in color, yet. The crispness of fall air isn’t settled in for the rest of the season. The abundance of root crops and autumn apples have not reached their peak. Still the season is here and the time of gathering in is upon us. The time of gratitude is all year round, but reaches a crescendo in the next few months.

Thanks be to God for what I can control and what I can’t, for now and always.


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