Hidden Things That Grow

February Blog by Ginny May-Schiros

February is the month when you still don’t know how long winter will be but you hope it won’t be long. We are at that point in the season when we are tired of the cold, the darkness and the waiting. We even have the myth of Punxsutawney Phil to predict how much longer we’ll need our winter jackets so that we have something to hope for. Not surprisingly, myths grow in the darkness of life when it seems most irrational to expect anything to change.

In the world of spirit, there is a time such as February wherein you don’t know how much longer you will be in that slumbering phase when nothing seems to be happening spiritually. If we allowed ourselves, we might stop breathing prayers to God, stop believing in goodness, or begin to see everything in black and white with all colors fading to gray.  However, as dead as our spiritual lives may look, the truth is that hidden things grow. Seeds grow only when they are hidden in the soil. Our best learning occurs only when we sleep on it for 8 hours. Dreams grow when they are nurtured in the quiet of our hearts rather than the glaring light of day. And hope grows when it seems pointless to do so and facts would normally dash all our hopes. We take a risk to believe in something more because without that risk, we would be lost. We don’t hope because it seems reasonable to do so. We hope precisely because the impossible sterility of where we are now wouldn’t let us go on unless we hoped for something more. In our deepest of hearts, we wisely know that even as we are in the dark, we believe that God’s light is shining on us though we can’t see it at the moment.  We have hope because we know in our souls that hidden things grow.

So please join us at Centering Space to let yourself be nurtured in the dark and mystery of your life.  We will be there to join you in your growing.



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