Open Hands, Open Heart

September Blog by Carol Kandiko, CSA

“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.”  Job 1:21

This simple scripture verse is the one that I would like read at my funeral. It so perfectly summarizes life. All that we have from the beginning to the end we have received through no merit of our own. And whatever we let go of when we take our last breath we have never owned.  As Kathy Sherman sings so eloquently: “All is gift, my friend, all is gift from a loving God.”

There have been many times when I would wish the “taketh away” part would happen sooner; times of challenge, confusion, loneliness, anger. But there have been times when I would want to hold on to the “giveth” forever. But the unfolding of life in the generosity of God moves along in a dance that includes both. It takes the open eyes of a beholder to know the blessing.

In my second year at Alverno College in Milwaukee, I experienced the most amazing autumn of my entire life. The path that I walked through the little woods was Disneyland perfect: butterflies flitted through jewel colored leaves, nuts and berries crunched under foot, critters skittered through the crispness and the sun shone to dazzle the eyes of any who were blessed to experience it. Afterwards I could hardly wait until the next year.

The next year was going to be even more exciting because I had a roommate from Texas who had never experienced fall. How eager I was for her to receive this exquisite gift here in amazing Milwaukee. That year, however, on one damp day in October all the leaves on all the trees turned one dismal brown, no nuts, no berries, no butterflies. I was so very disappointed.  My roommate, however, was in awe. For her it was totally wonderful.

I’ve reflected on this ever since. The giving and the taking back are one gracious act of divine love seen through the eyes of each unique beholder.

All who come to Centering Space are awesome reflections of that single gracious goodness. Every day is a new discovery of God’s amazing love. Come and see.

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