As we approach our 9th anniversary we decided it was time to update our website in order to provide you more information about our weekly prayer gatherings, our upcoming programs, as well as our various spiritual direction and retreat offerings.
We also want to make it easier for you to communicate with us! Our new website allows you to submit a prayer request via an online form, register for a program or retreat, and add comments to our new blog postings.
Centering Space is different from many spiritual centers, because it is intended to be a shared experience. We have a Core Circle that formulates many of the plans for the center, ably encouraged and assisted by our Advisory Circle, but beyond these two groups we have many other people involved who offer spiritual direction onsite, lead prayer, host programs, work in the garden, and donate treats for the prayer groups, just to name a few of the shared activities.
We want to expand and extend this shared experience to all who come to this “House of Prayer and Discernment.” We encourage you to explore the website, provide us with feedback, and discover ways you can get more involved in the wonderful spiritual experience that is so much at the heart of Centering Space.
All of us together create the powerful spiritual awareness at Centering Space that daily enriches and enhances our lived experience. Thank you for being an integral part of this wonderful place.
I really think you should highlight the tennis courts for out-of-towners.
Great site and I’ll make a point of using it.
Thank you so much for the suggestion. Great idea. We will add it to the website.