Sharing Happiness

June Blog by Cheryl Keehner, CSA  June is the month when dreams come true.  We celebrate graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and vacations.  Flowers begin to blossom, herbs and veggies sprout, neighbors gather to plan block parties, and we master the art of grilling outside.

Looking closely at the events of the past few weeks, we notice stunning contrasts in family celebrations. We sat glued to our TVs, watching the royal wedding in London while at the same time another school shooting ended the lives of eight teens and two teachers in Texas.  Some dreamed of a fairy tale princess and the possibility of “living happily ever-after,” while others experienced the nightmare of gun shots and the death of a friend, child, classmate, neighbor.

What do we make of all of this?  How are we to respond?

Doesn’t it seem at times that we are all on an emotional roller coaster?  Let’s take time to listen closely to the hopes of graduates and celebrate their energy and insights into possibilities of a better world.  Let’s give support to the broken hearted and fearful by supporting parents and children who suffer unspeakable violence.  Now is a perfect time for “standing by” each other, reflecting on the power of love and looking for ways to experience life as glowing and hopeful.   Let’s picture our world as we’d like it to be and dream together.

And while we’re at it, let’s enjoy watermelon and water parks; gazing at the stars and catching fire flies; lemonade and ice cream; backyard camping and porch setting.  June invites to discover again what makes us happy and to share that happiness with each other.

by Cheryl Keehner, CSA

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