The Future is Within Reach

2021 March Blog by Tim Walters

It’s hard to believe that it has been 365 days since our last March 1st and in many ways it seems even beyond that.  So much has changed in our lives since then and so much has changed within us.  Days of masks, isolation, quarantine, times alone and times apart have become a regular part of our lives and our conversations.  Yet somehow, we have found a way to move forward to find unity, peace, solace and  time together.

We approached those days with uncertainty and more than a bit of trepidation as we feared that the isolation, the aloneness, would become a permanent part of our days.  But as we persevered, we somehow found a commonness in our fears and concerns.  As we moved forward, we found that the ability to find each other on line, to come together in new ways, could still be a part of our lives.

Centering Space brought Reflective Prayer back through Zoom. And for many of us, ZOOM became a real part of our lives as we struggled to find ourselves, to find each other. Something moved within us and ZOOM became more familiar, maybe not always more welcome, but eventually a time to be one again.

Uncertainty and a bit of hesitation seemed to be a regular occurrence.  Yet as we continued to gather, we noted familiar faces, heard familiar voices and gained a renewed sense of oneness.  We found that we could still pray together, share together and commune together.  And we were no longer alone.

So, we wait for the days apart to end.  But we now know that the ability to grow, to share, can withstand a bit of pain, uncertainty and fear.  We move forward knowing that the future is indeed within reach and we can say thanks for enduring as we anticipate the coming together in person once again.

1 thoughts on “The Future is Within Reach

  1. Sharon says:

    Yes Tim, with the help of Centering Space we persevered. I’m grateful for their willingness to try Zoom. There we were, each in our own little box, all part of the big picture,. The Kingdom of God entered the technological Age! In Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke, Kingdom of God sounds more like “Companionship of Empowerment’. And that we were. Empowered to support each other and have peace in the knowledge that we were there for one another. Thank you again to Centering Space. Sharon K.

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