Holy Ground

2023 May Blog by Martha Logan Chrosniak ~ There have been many places and times in my life when I have been filled with God’s presence and know that I am standing on Holy Ground.

I need to and love to “Come to the Water.”  Living near Lake Erie most of my life, I go there for quiet, to be in the light, enjoy the trees and birds and be aware of the gifts of our earth.  I am amazed at the rhythm and wonder of sunsets that are never the same, but delight me with ever changing colors and beauty.  In the wind and waves I can cry out and share myself with the One who already knows and who reveals love and healing to me.  I often hope and expect to find God, but in my prayer, in my listening, in worries and tears, in gratitude and joy, it is often that God finds me.   Jesus met the woman at the well, but I have often found him at the picnic table at the water.

Coming out of some of the isolation of Covid, I had the opportunity to go on a retreat.  I decided I needed to take responsibility for some of my life’s messes, and I let God know what I was willing to “work” on and fix. But God had much more in store for me.  I was on Holy Ground, and the gifts of people and Presence helped to open my eyes and heart and there was great healing.  Promises were received.  “I am with you on the journey, and I will never leave you” was spoken to me and planted in my heart forever.

Many churches have been sacred spaces for me.  One time as I saw myself reflected in the glass exterior, not just “going” to church, but a part of the structure.  When inside, the outside was visible and it was all one.  That experience changed me and now when I choose to walk through a threshold at a church, it is with the hope that we become church in the presence of community, as the Body of Christ, celebrating in Word and Sacrament.  I have known holiness in those times and places.

I had the privilege of being with my sister during her last days and final hours on this earth.  I am so grateful for the praying, crying, remembering, questioning, listening, releasing, accepting, believing, communion and peace. There were gifts of knowing all I had been taught and believed was true and I felt embraced with love and peace.  It was a very sacred time and truly Holy Ground.

I have found Holy Ground at Centering Space.  There is a spirit of  “Welcome Home. You belong here.”  Walking the grounds through gardens, pathways or labyrinth, overlooking Lake Erie, experiencing the beauty of a sunset, the wind- Spirit, gently caressing or strong winds, cold and rain, all reflect the Presence of God.

I have attended programs in person and by Zoom and have been blessed with what I needed.  It seems like instant community in the acceptance of each person.  People come in need, searching, to learn, looking for answers to questions we didn’t know were buried within us  The sharing of hearts and faith and friendships has great healing power.

The Reflective Prayer has been an answer to my desire for community and wanting to pray with others.  It amazes me each time our group comes together and responds to the same reading, prayer and song. We are blessed with a kaleidoscope of perspectives and insights. There is no one way to interpret inspiration, but that collective sharing has deepened my prayer life expanded my understanding of how our loving Creator speaks to us.

I love that each gathering whether in person or by Zoom, ends with a time to remember the needs of others. We share our personal stories and concerns for our loved ones and our wounded world.  When people call Centering Space to request prayers, they are written and placed in a basket.  When we are there we are personally called to pray for all those needs and all of God’s beloved.  It is one more way that my vision and my heart have been stretched to go beyond my little world and be concerned for our world community.

Whether we have 2 or 3 gathered together, are alone or part of a group, any place can be Holy Ground when we have a readiness to greet those times as opportunities to experience our loving God.




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