New Life Unfolds

Ah, the glory of Spring! Blossoms in every rainbow color and soft new leaves unfolding in so many shades of living green and the birds—singing, twittering, flitting. So alive! The exuberance of it all touches something deep in me. Winter didn’t win! Except that maybe this year it took the butterfly bush, so we’ve a space in the garden for something new to grow.

Year after year the music and beauty of Spring lift our hearts to experience the fact that goodness wins. It is this promise kept that gives us the courage to let go every fall and move deeper into winter silence. It is this promise kept that gives us the strength to move through our own deep sorrows and personal challenges. Over and over, life wins. Love survives and conquers. In the words of a song by the Wild Goose Worship Group: “Goodness is stronger than evil! Love is stronger than hate! Light is stronger than darkness! Life is stronger than death!” The truth is that slowly and slowly each passing year brings a new space and a newness to each of us that is subtle, but real. Bruce Sanquin (Check out his website) says: “The direction of the evolutionary process is always toward widening circles of love and belonging. This is where Love is going and nothing can stop it.”

Look for a moment into your own heart. Surely love in you today is greater than it was say 5 years ago. If you can’t see that, nonetheless rest in the silence of your being and trust. New life and love are quietly unfolding in you as sure as Spring. Resurrection is the promise!


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