January Blog by Syndie Eardly Tapping into Christ Energy

I love the quiet time following the busy holiday season, that – for me – was particularly strenuous this year due to an extraordinarily stressful time at work. But now it’s time to settle into the Winter quiet, and I welcome the opportunity to leave behind the holiday to-do list and fortify myself for the year ahead with my spiritual to-do list.

Our tendency is to come into January, a little exhausted from the demands of the holiday, and start building our list of New Year’s resolutions. Should I sleep more? Drink more caffeine? (Drink less caffeine?) Exercise more? Eat less? Change my diet? Take more supplements? Work harder? (Work less?) What is the secret sauce that will rejuvenate me for the year ahead?

While I love the idea of New Year’s resolutions, a simple refocus on my internal Christ Consciousness is all the re-energizing I need. We are expressions of God or the Christ Consciousness in the world. The quality of our lives is determined by how and where we focus this animating force – for the good of others or to the detriment of ourselves. We can use this energy to get more for ourselves – more possessions, more experiences, more pleasure – or we can tap into this energy to be a force for peace and compassion in the world.

The simple act of reconnecting to my internal spiritual compass makes everything else fall into place naturally. I no longer need a list of New Year’s resolutions if I simply make the decision to rest back into and be guided by the Christ Consciousness. When I am living out of this holy space, I tend to choose better habits naturally. I tend to sleep more soundly. Eat more wisely. Exercise more regularly. Fully rested and feeling strong, I find I am naturally more patient and supportive of others and more aware of where I might best spend my energy and talents in ways that are more effective and energizing expressions of God in the world.

Centering Space offers a wealth of opportunities to explore and reconnect with your inner Spirit. We invite you to join us at any time throughout the year to rejuvenate your spirit with others at our weekly prayer or at any of the dozens of programs offered in every season.