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Wheel of the Year Ritual: Samhain – Hallows Eve
October 30, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Facilitated by Catherine Mangan
This dark Samhain night
We walk a path of beauty
with our ancestors.
– Terri Duclos
Come join us in Circle where together we will create Sacred Space and celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year to the season of Samhain, pronounced “Sow-en”. This festival celebrates the end of summer and is the third and final Celtic harvest festival in The Wheel. Samhain also known as Halloween, recognizes that the energies of nature are moving toward their rest, and the venerable Crone, who is filled with the wisdom of Her long life, also invites us to rest. Samhain is the cross-quarter festival between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice, and is also the time when we remember our ancestors with honor and gratitude. In our Sacred Space we will share rituals, symbols, stories, guided imagery meditations, simple crafts, music, drumming, food and drink as we celebrate what we have harvested and received in our lives. We will also have an Ancestors Altar, and you are invited to bring a picture or memento of an ancestor whom you wish to honor during our gathering (optional).
Suggested donation $10