Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on Zoom. Register early with Centering Space to receive the Zoom link. Donations benefit our ministry.  

Death, Resurrection and the Spirit: John 18-21

Zoom - Register for Link OH

Facilitated by Mike Reiling on ZOOM Tuesdays March 11, 18 and 25 Using the creative tool of journaling to guide us into reflection as mystic disciples of Jesus, we'll explore his meanigful encounters with Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Peter and the Beloved Disciple. $10 / session 

Lenten Bible Study

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Facilitated by Rev. Dennis Stylski Wednesdays of Lent The Sunday Scriptures in Lent offer us a chance    to look into the holy mystery that is larger than     ourselves with a better and deeper understanding. Each Wednesday we’ll look at the readings from the common lectionary for the coming weekend. Bring your Bible. Donations are […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join this circle of like minded folks... and listen for what you're meant to hear. Our reflective prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. This prayer is repeated from 7 - 8 pm this evening on Zoom Weekly prayer is both in person and on Zoom. Register early with Centering […]

One Way to Look at SALVATION

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Facilitated by Carol Kandiko, CSA Come to share your ideas and to hear what others have to say. Together we’ll grow in mutual appreciation and respect. Group size is limited. Register early. $20 This series of exploration into different points of view has the enthusiastic endorsement of participants from the last seven years.    

Drum Circle

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Every 3rd Saturday. Bring your own drum or borrow one of ours. Bring a friend and a creative spirit...and enjoy! Donations are welcome    

Lenten Taizé

To Be Announced 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH

Taizé Prayer, the creation of a monastic community in Taizé, France, is a meditative prayer of chants, readings, and periods of silence. Join us at Lakewood United Methodist Church for an evening of prayer to be drawn deeper into God’s abiding love. Let us know you plan to attend so that we have enough printed […]

A Pilgrimage Toward Wholeness

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

"If the ultimate aim of prayer is to deepen our faith and nurture  a healthy spirituality, the test of all prayer will not be how intense and uplifting it was or what insights we had. It will be the extent to which it leads us to allow the spirit of graciousness and generosity to be […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on Zoom. Register early with Centering Space to receive the Zoom link. Donations benefit our ministry.  

Death, Resurrection and the Spirit: John 18-21

Zoom - Register for Link OH

Facilitated by Mike Reiling on ZOOM Using the creative tool of journaling to guide us into reflection as mystic disciples of Jesus, we'll explore his meanigful encounters with Pilate, Mary Magdalene, Peter and the Beloved Disciple. $10 / session