You Hold the Answer to All Your Questions

All the answers we need to whatever questions or problems we are pondering in our lives are immediately and profoundly available to us.

This is a difficult concept for us to grasp, let alone tap into. From early childhood, we are encouraged to learn to read and once we have mastered that skill, we are handed textbooks and told that these books hold all the answers and will provide the foundation for everything we need to succeed in life.

Children today are in the same boat, though they have substituted the internet for the books, newspapers and magazines we relied on. Although they may cast a bigger net then we could ever have imagined, they are searching in an environment that is highly flawed when it comes to providing the answers that will help them succeed at living their truest purpose, though it may provide them with a broader education and some material success.

But success is not necessarily a guarantee of true, deep joy. That is more likely to arise when we are fulfilling our soul’s intent and purpose for being here, and no book or internet site can teach you what that is nor the steps you must take to fulfill that purpose.

To accomplish that, we have to look inside, not outside of ourselves. While knowledge gained may be useful in helping us navigate some portions of life, it is our own inner compass and our intuition that are the most effective tools for making decisions that are congruent with our own spiritual essence and our chosen purpose for coming into this life in the first place. Joy, love, compassion, gratitude are the interior realities, that if lived out, bring the greatest inner peace and contentment.

I have always loved to read and have certainly gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom from the books I have read. But in putting my focus on information that was coming to me from out the outside, I often failed to pay attention to the information that I already possessed – my own intuition and inner truth.

This idea is reinforced during out weekly prayer at Centering Space. I am always enriched by the insights that the participants bring forth after sitting in silence during the hour of prayer, and equally amazed at what emerges for me in these quiet sessions, inspired by the readings or the music that make up our hour of prayer.

Come join us for Tuesday or Wednesday prayer each week to learn how you can tap into your own inner wisdom.

By Syndie Eardly

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