Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join this circle of like minded folks... and listen for what you're meant to hear. Our reflective prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. This […]

Dementia Support Group: For Family, Friends and Caregivers

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

This gathering is open to those who are looking for conversation and support as they journey through a difficult phase in their lives. Please share with anyone you know who […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join this circle of like minded folks... and listen for what you're meant to hear. Our reflective prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. This […]

Wheel of the Year: Imbolc

Facilitated by Catherine Mangan Wheel of the Year gatherings have relocated. Call us for details. $30

One Way to Look at BELONGING

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Facilitated by Carol Kandiko, CSA Come to share your ideas and to hear what others have to say. Together we’ll grow in mutual appreciation and respect. Group size is limited. […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on […]

Reflective Prayer

Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

Join this circle of like minded folks... and listen for what you're meant to hear. Our reflective prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. This […]


Centering Space 14812 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH, United States

A discussion facilitated by Joe Konen Based on Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan First Thursdays in February, March, April  Our group will watch together and discuss 3 sessions from […]