Wheel of the Year: Imbolc
Facilitated by Catherine Mangan Wheel of the Year gatherings have relocated. Call us for details. $30
Facilitated by Catherine Mangan Wheel of the Year gatherings have relocated. Call us for details. $30
Facilitated by Carol Kandiko, CSA Come to share your ideas and to hear what others have to say. Together we’ll grow in mutual appreciation and respect. Group size is limited. […]
Facilitated by Rabbi Enid Lader on ZOOM Join us for a tour of the artwork of Rembrandt, Michelangelo, and Chagall and their interpretations of Moses, the tablets themselves, and the people’s […]
Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on […]
Join this circle of like minded folks... and listen for what you're meant to hear. Our reflective prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. This […]
A discussion facilitated by Joe Konen Based on Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan First Thursdays in February, March, April Our group will watch together and discuss 3 sessions from […]
Join Dancers: Carolyn Horvath Subhana Graf Eileen Pappalardo Carol Kandiko And YOU!! The Dances of Universal Peace are spiritual practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry […]
Facilitated by Mary Beth Gray, SND We will unwrap poems by a variety of poets from the collection Poetry of Presence. Poetry lifts us out of dualism, opens the path […]
Facilitated by Mike Reiling on ZOOM In John 13-17, Jesus profoundly teaches his present and future disciples about believing, abiding, loving, the difficulties of discipleship, and the guiding and protective […]
Join others for an evening of quiet reflective prayer. The prayer includes input on a theme, music, silent reflection and optional sharing. Weekly prayer is both in person and on […]