Autumn Leaves: Let Go and Let Be!

Autumn leaves share a lovely lesson: Let go! Do you ever, see yourself in the scampering chipmunk, cheeks full for storage, so much to do! The leaves say, let go! Geese gather with purpose and vee their way south to sunnier climates. The leaves say, let be! Harvest is happening, abundance demands attention. It is preparation time. Winter is coming. The leaves dance brilliant colors and invite us to learn their lesson, to imitate their wisdom, to give ourselves over to the moment. These glorious leaves are a face of divinity. God saying: “I’m with you through all the seasons. Trust me. Let go! Let be!”

Perhaps you are questioning: let go of what? Some of us think we need to be in control, to hold on to our anger and resentment, to make it up the next rung on the corporate ladder. Some of us feel we can’t be happy without certain conditions being fulfilled, unless a certain someone pays us attention, if a desired event does not take place.

Remember, Jesus said to Martha (Luke 10:41) “You are anxious and upset about so many things, but only a few things are necessary—really only one. Mary has chosen the better part, and she won’t be deprived of it.” We, of course, all have a little bit of Mary in us as well as Martha. We all have our busyness to attend to, but we also have a longing to sit quietly and let the love of God cherish us. The leaves say, choose peace, choose stillness, choose to abandon yourself to the moment.

I have been doing a little bit more of this spiritual practice: sitting on the porch and savoring the scents and colors, the cool breezes and the dancing leaves, the scurrying creatures and the just is-ness of sky and clouds and nature hunkering down for what’s coming. Of course the need to take care of Martha’s many things doesn’t go away, but moment by moment I’m nourishing my Mary spirit.

What are the leaves inviting you to experience?  What do you need to let go and let be?   by Carol Kandiko, CSA

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