Showers of Grace

April 2020 post by Anne Butts ~ I am watching it rain. Being a gardener I appreciate the nourishment rain gives the earth.  I also enjoy the sight and sound of it as it hits my window.  If it is warm and not too windy, I will walk in the rain with my seven year old granddaughter.  She has a transparent vinyl rainbow umbrella that shelters her and still allows her to see.

So how does that lead me to April and Centering Space?  Rain and Reign.  Although I don’t resonate with a kingly metaphor for the Divine, I do think of how we, the People of God, are called to bring Love (or the Kingdom) in this world. What if we are the raindrops of love that nourish.  Rain and Reign. Or, what if we are the soil needing replenishment.  Either reality, acting or receiving, I find at Centering Space.

I just finished a book study on Richard Rohr’s The Universal Christ with a dozen other seekers of many faiths.  I felt like freshly turned earth ready to receive new insights, sprout questions and absorb the desire of the group to grow in love.  Rohr writes that Jesus came from Love and was Love.  For me to be a droplet of love is hard to do so often.  It requires a change in my perspective and choices.  Rohr wrote that “the first public word out of [Jesus’] mouth was the Greek imperative verb metanoeite, which literally translates as “change your mind” or “go beyond your mind” (Mt 3:2, 4:17, and Mark 1:15).

To go beyond my mind, to imagine the “Divine Mind” planted a seed that is slowly taking root.  Hearing others express their seeds of faith continues to support my own journey.

I attend weekly prayer gatherings at Centering Space, serve on the Advisory Board and participate in several weekend programs.  They become the added nutrients I need for my unfolding or perhaps blossoming as a beloved human being and disciple.  While the corona virus may limit our face to face interactions right now, I look forward to the April 26, program “Tikkun Olan: Repair the World” by Rabbi Enid Lader.

I encourage you to be part of the rain/reign showers of grace that “fall” upon us every moment of the day.  Or imagine with me being an open field of loamy soil ready for the planting and see what Centering Space has to grow in you.

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