Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world. Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

2021 Blog by Anne Butts

This month I am finally going to learn more about Teilhard de Chardin, a theologian of the twentieth century (1881-1955) and initiator in blending science and faith.

I knew two quotes from this French Jesuit, and they had an impact on my always developing spirituality. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience” and “Love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world.”

The class offered by Michael Reiling, “Teilhard de Chardin, SJ: Life and Legacy” looked intriguing in the Centering Space flyer. One phrase caught my attention: “earth-based mysticism.” Since nature is one of the ways I experience the creative life force of the Divine I want to grow in understanding and praying with an earth/creation-based theology that is also Christ centered. I want to be exposed to new thoughts that might also empower me to find my place within God’s love of creation which includes us humans. Likewise, since Mike usually creates a contemplative opportunity within his lectures, I feel there may be times for me to “feel” the unity with God that de Chardin explores.

I began my involvement with Centering Space about five years ago at the Reflective Prayer gatherings and I’m still very much a part of them. I find the invitation to be quiet and listen for the voice of the Divine to be a nurturing and expanding experience. Sometimes it comes from a word in the readings, sometimes the music and often through a reflection from one of the other participants. Each prayer gathering is a gift to me. I only need to show up and open up.

Opening up has also led me to some rich program offerings. All of them encourage me to further my spiritual journey through both education, contemplation and conversation. I have no doubt that Teilhard de Chardin will lead me on a path unexplored. You are welcome to join me in this adventure.

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