Learn and Be Glad

Since I was the first-born child in my family, I was the first one to spend time away from my mom when I went to kindergarten.  When I got home, she wanted to know everything – EVERYTHING – in great detail.  I knew that she was genuinely curious and that interrogation was her love language, but I was completely overwhelmed, so at some point in exasperation I told her that I would tell her everything at the end of the school year.  With eagerness, on the last day, she asked me about kindergarten and I told her, “I forgot.”

Fifty-some years later, I feel like a kindergartner again because Centering Space introduces me to so many new ideas that if asked right now to recount them all I’d have to say, “I forgot.” But I remember how learning makes me feel so I return to Centering Space activities for more education again and again.

In truth, I don’t forget everything.  In fact, some things that I have learned stay with me and continue to influence me.

For example, through Reflective Prayer I have discovered the Persian poet, Hafiz.  Now, I see his writing elsewhere and consciously connect past encounters with new ones.  I am keeping space open on my poetry shelf for a collection of his work.  And, after participating in Seasonal Journaling, I was inspired to keep a “joy journal” in which I write a few lines about things that delight me.  This is more satisfying than listing items of gratitude in my head.  Plus, my thoughts sometimes develop into little illustrations.

If you like being a life-long learner as I do, sign up for a Centering Space program.  You may or may not remember all of the content afterwards, but you will likely enjoy being engaged by it and you may be surprised by how you change because of it.  Check out the schedule online or the flyer mailed to you to see what is available.  You will learn and be glad that you did.  ~ Ann Duchez

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