Renewed, Refreshed, Refocused

Blog by Deb Griest  

The mission of Centering Space is to be a place where people come to listen to their heart and the voice of God and then leave renewed, refreshed, and refocused.  That has certainly been my experience of this beautiful house filled with beautiful people and the amazing energy of the Holy Spirit.  My name is Deb Griest and I’m a follower of Jesus and a Christian spiritual director.  I’m blessed to meet with many of my directees at Centering Space, I have led a program there in the past year, and I’m currently serving on the Events Committee.

Centering Space is truly a place where I have come to be renewed, refreshed, and refocused.  I sense this is the experience of my directees as well.  I had heard about Centering Space for years, but only began to develop my relationship with the house, Carol, Betsy and others who find respite there in the past couple of years.  You can tell when you open the door that people have been praying in this building for many, many years and that the space is being held for the work of God’s Spirit.  As I’ve gotten to know the wide variety of people who attend programs and utilize the space for retreats and other activities, I have been exposed to the ways others make sense of and live the spiritual life.  While not all of these ways align with the teachings of my tradition, I enjoy listening to and discussing our various perspectives and experiences.

Serving on the Events Committee has been a great experience.  I’ve gotten to meet people I would probably never have met and work alongside them to plan and staff events that celebrate milestones and bring needed resources into Centering Space.  God has used my skills and talents to support the ministry and I am grateful.

I pray God’s blessings over Centering Space and the people involved there, that we would all experience God deeply and grow in our ability to be loved by God and to love others.

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