Do you need a jump?

2023 July Blog by Ann Duchez ~ If you drive a car, at some point in your life you probably turned the key in the ignition and did not hear the engine roar to life.   Instead, you heard a click-click-click sound or nothing at all.  In disbelief, you no doubt tried turning the key again and got the same result. Feelings of dread, anger and possibly fear likely settled into you because you knew that until you got that battery charged with jumper cables from another person’s vehicle that you were stuck.  


Feeling stuck is frustrating.  You want to move but cannot for some reason.  You need something that you don’t now have – or don’t know that you have.


Before my friend introduced me to Centering Space, I was feeling stuck.  I had to retire early from teaching due to health problems.  Disability retirement came with rules that restricted things that I might do instead.  Attempts to initiate activities were thwarted by increased mobility challenges.  Efforts to regain health were not working.  I was spiraling in despair as options disappeared.  I

needed something new to recharge my metaphorical battery.  Centering Space provided me with the jump that I needed.


My longtime friend invited me to participate in a series of Lenten Reflections over Zoom during the pandemic.  I trusted her and said yes to something new.  I found myself not only enjoying a shared experience with her but reveling in the program itself.  I quickly realized that I was amongst others also eager to grow in mind and spirit.   I found my attitude shifting to the positive.  I found myself looking forward to gathering with others instead of hiding within myself. I found myself able to make new plans in daily life to advance my dreams.  I found myself getting unstuck.


One program led to another and so forth such that I am now a regular at Reflective Prayer via Zoom and an attendee at other virtual programs as interests lead me.  I am on the move – learning and growing in directions that delight me, that challenge me, that heal me bit by bit. 


I am grateful for the jump that Centering Space gave me.  Are you stuck?  Do you need to recharge your battery?  Let Centering Space help you get moving.  

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